Taco Bell Removing 9 Items From Menu, Including The Double Decker Taco

It’s the final lap for 9 menu items at Taco Bell. Beginning September 12th the chain will be slimming down their menu in an effort to hurt my feelings.

The disappearing items are as follows:

  1. Beefy Mini Quesadilla
  2. Chips & Salsa
  3. Chipotle Chicken Loaded Griller
  4. Double Decker Taco
  5. Cool Ranch Tacos
  6. Fiery Doritos Locos Tacos
  7. Double Tostada
  8. Power Menu Burrito
  9. XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito

Are they making room for 9 different flavors of Mexi Nuggets? One can only Hope.


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