Toys For Tots Toy Drive Going On Now.
Please join us at the Guitar Center parking lot at the midtown mall for our annual Toys for Tots Toy drive powered by the Odom Corporation. You’ll find the Marines in the Great Alaskan Holidays RV set up by the corner on New Seward and Northern Lights.
We will be there from Wednesday (12/9) to Friday (12/11) from 6am to 6pm.
With Covid reeking havoc on all things in 2020 Toys for Tots is no different. Almost all of the fund raising/Toy drives have been canceled this year due to covid. And with so many people being out of work due to shutdown and mandates the need is greater than ever.
If you can, please drop of a cash donation or a new unwrapped toy.
If you want to donate online you can Click Here
Thank you Alaska for stepping up every year.
Merry Christmas!